Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Using their voices

Being back home has physically transported me from Sudan, but in many ways I'm still there. This weekend they held a bondfire at the school site and this was sent to me from the field. Enjoy! It certainly made me cry.

i thought you would like to read this poem that left everyone on the camp fire "crying" with joy and nodding their hands offenjoy! -diane birungi

Voices of NESEI girls

Its gone days!

We will gift for our rights

Equality is our new oxygen 25% in GOSS is just a resting point

The destination is 50% of women presentation

Soon new crops of leaders like the late Dr. John Garang and Joseph Laso will be women

We have accepted leadership

Our living room is no longer kitchen but offices

We have discarded early marriage

We are no longer conditioned parasites

Education is our new farming tool and hunting weapon

We are glued to education

We have accepted

It is clear now

We have seen the road

The message is getting to our hearts

We are grateful to NESEI and WINROCK

our efforts are saluted

We are getting the tune

Don't give up on us

We have accepted education.

This poem was presented by the NESEI School Head girl Neema Nyoka on the welcome Campfire sat 12th July 2008 at the school site

1 comment:

Kevin Brooks said...


Thanks for leaving a note on my blog, African Soul, American Heart. I'd love to hear about your trip to Yei, too; I think my email address will be attached to this comment.
